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Online check-in

Check-in online to save time and effort. Confirm your attendance on the flight, select your seat, skip the airport lines and go straight to the departure gate.

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Booking a Flight process has never been simpler!! We are constantly negotiating with airline companies and service providers in order to offer you the lowest prices in the market. Through our fast and powerful search engines we search and compare real-time prices on top low-cost and budget flights with more than 600 Airlines to help find you the cheapest dealsin a few short clicks!


We bring together the world's most fascinating destinations and hotels. Choose from over 1 million hotels worldwide and find the best deal for your valuable customers.Browse by country, city location, by hotel or price range using our intuitive search function for greater choice. Our hotel information includes ratings, filters and other features to help you make the right selection.

Ferry Tickets

Find real time all Greek ferry companies schedules, availability, connections and best prices that Greek Ferries operates at our dynamic Ferry Booking Engine. Use our booking engine to compare ferry companies and prices. Plan your single trip or island hopping journey with no hidden fees in one search.

Transfers, Tours & Attractions

Book your transfer to and from any airport, port or any destination you wish, in just a few steps! We choose the most Trained drivers, Low prices, arrival monitoring and Quality 24/7 support. Travel safely with our transfer solution. Or Book Tickets to museums, City Tours, Attractions and fun activities all over the world. We help you get the best from every destination, by giving you easy access to memorable experiences.Powered by Welcome Pickups, Musement SPA and Liknoss Group.

More Services for you

Our Group of companies offers a wide range of additional services for you and your clients and provide you with a unique experience. From Mobile Services to Money Transfer Services as well as Food Products and Restaurants.

Taza Mobile

Tazamobile, is a telecommunication company specializing in low cost international calls. The mission of the company is to provide quality services to people that need an easy and low cost communication around the globe. At Tazamobile we value your money and time and we are happy to welcome you to our network.

Taza Money Transfer

Taza Money Transfer executes money transfers anywhere in the world on behalf of our customers, individuals or companies.

Taza food

We import all kinds of products from Asia.We specialise in Basmati Rice as well as for a huge variety of Indian Cuisine products such as spices and fine tea varieties.

Business Growth

As part of our Customer Experience strategy, we have placed our customers at the core of our business.

Tazaticket strong performance year after year is a result of our diversified business and multiple engines of growth, disciplined strategy and excellent execution. We are always striving to exceed the expectations of our customers through continuous innovation and investment in technology.

Our Mission

Our mission is to be the leading multimodal B2B Providers globally. We manage to build a genius flight booking system which offers its customers the ability to search from a wide variety of scheduled flights and low-costs airlines providing them multiple combinations than any other system in the market. This ensures finding the most competitive prices on flight tickets or Hotels without any hidden charges. We work intensively for offering best customer support as well for the creation of value for our partners, our staff and the markets in which we operate.

Our Vision

Is to provide great experiences to B2B online users anywhere in the world. Innovation is core to our DNA and we are constantly thinking about how we can add value to our customers. We believe in the simple, not the complex.

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